April 26th 2024
The camera is Canon R7, the SD card has one 0 bytes DAT file that needs to repair or convert to MP4 video, the camera had a power outage so the file didn’t save properly after a 40 minutes’ recording, so the video duration should be 40 minutes, but the file is not the last file. After the DAT file there is one file that contains a good 10 minutes mp4 video. The client wants to get the 40 minutes back.
0 bytes means the file is an empty file, it doesn’t have any data, so it can not be recovered if you send us the file only. To repair 0 byte file, we need to extract data from the memory chip or a copy of the chip.
So, we would like to ask the client to create image file of the SD then share with us, but on this case, the SD is 256 GB, it is very huge, it will take days to upload and share. To save the time, we made a remote session to analyze the data on Windows computer. 30 minutes’ video can be saved after we checked the SD, because the beginning 10 minutes was overwritten by the new recording.
From the case, we suggest, to all our global clients, please replace the SD immediately after anything wrong during recording.